Lubricant used: Myo.Rub (a mixture of organic coconut & beeswax)
SARGA BODYWORK is a barefoot massage method that employs the use of a fabric strap fastened to a massage table to deliver therapeutic myofascial and deep tissue techniques. This fabric strap is used by practitioners for stability and to add tensional and gravitational force to specific manual therapy methods. These methods, combined with the broad contact surface of the foot, facilitate less restriction and more ease and relaxation in recipients’ bodies.
SARGA BODYWORK is a unique and highly effective therapy, characterized by sustained, oblique, high-friction contact with the aim of stimulating a stretch response in the fascia. This technique helps to facilitate length, hydration, and mobility in recipients’ connective tissue. The densely innervated surfaces of the feet are the most effective and intelligent tools for this purpose. As with any modality, proper hygiene is important. The therapist's feet are washed/sanitized before beginning the massage.